Study, Work and Careers

At times, life at school is a fun, exciting and rewarding experience. At other points, it can be a more stressful time where you are progressing towards adulthood - working out who you are, where you are going and how you are going to get there!
Also there are so many decisions to make: subject options, 6th form, further study, uni, jobs? All can feel like important decisions to get right.
There are also lots of people willing to offer advice. It is important YOU make decisions that are right for you.
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Career Decisions
Decisions, decisions, decisions! It starts with GCSE options and progresses onto A Levels, college or your chosen job. It’s important these decisions are given the right amount of consideration but at the same time many people don’t know what job they want to do even as they progress into adulthood. (In fact many adults still don’t!).
There are lots of people around that can help you make these decisions. Friends and family are often a good source of advice, as is your own online research. There are also professionals trained in helping you make the right decisions at your school and through the National Careers Service. Your school may put on special careers events where they invite employers and universities in to talk to you. They will also help with uni applications or CV writing.
For careers information on Further or Higher Education studies (apprenticeships, college or Uni) UCAS can also be a really good source of information. This is an area where many find expert, professional advice very useful in helping you make the best decision for you.
Exams & Revision
Exams can be a cause of stress for many young people but it’s important to keep this in perspective and try to deal with the challenge they present in the right way. Whilst everyone wants to get the best results they can, it’s important to remember most exams can be re-sat so don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
Finding the right balance in terms of study and relaxation is important, as is finding a revision method that works. Studies have shown exercise can often help you study; a healthy body = a healthy mind. Finding the best time of day for you to study is important – burning the candle at both ends is rarely the best solution! BBC Bitesize has good tips or exams and revision,
Finding a Job
There is lots of information and support available to help you find a new job. You may need some help with job hunting, writing an application or your CV or preparing for an interview. The National Careers Service is a great place to start looking for information about new careers or to speak to a qualified careers adviser. Youth Employment UK has lots of helpful information about CV writing and interview tips.
Problems at work
Work is a big part of our lives so it’s important we enjoy it. It may be that you’re simply not suited to the job you’re in and you need to look for a new one . Or it may be that there are simple things that can be done to improve your work situation.
Being open, honest and up-front is usually the best option when dealing with problems at work. No matter how difficult it might seem, it’s always advisable to try and talk to those you work with to try and resolve problems. In some jobs there may be other people you can speak to resolve problems. Some jobs have employment trade unions to offer advice (although you many need to be a member) or there maybe another designated member of staff to help with problems.
If you have a serious problem, such as workplace bullying, it’s important to know that certain elements of your work-life are protected by employment law. You should always try to deal with problems in person and informally before taking things further