Staying Safe

Our safety is something we often take for granted. However, there could be times when our safety is threatened and we might need to take action to ensure we stay secure. The action we take may differ on where the risk comes from and who is associated with it. Taking action can be a difficult and brave step, but no one should be living in fear. Childline and CEOP (if about online safety) are there to help.
Expand the boxes below for more information or try our Self-Help Tool for more specific and detailed help.
At home
Home should be a place where you feel safe. However, you might be feeling unsafe if:
• You’re not being treated properly or given the things you need, such as food, clothes and the ability to keep clean.
• You’re experiencing or seeing violence or abuse happen at home.
• Your parents or guardians drink a lot or take drugs.
If you feel unsafe or unhappy at home there are people out there who can help you. If you able to, you can speak to an adult you trust (a teacher, youth worker or family member/friend) about what’s going on. If you don’t want to speak to someone you know, you can also speak to Childline who will treat your contact confidentially.
At school
For many, school is an enjoyable time. For others, school-life can be a more stressful experience.
You may feel unsafe or uncomfortable at school if:
• You’re being bullied, either in person or online.
• You feel like you don’t have any good friends.
• You’re scared of your teacher.
If this sounds like you, remember you’re not alone. Many young people feel this way, but you don’t have to suffer in silence. Speak to someone you trust at home or school about what’s going on. Together you can figure out a way to deal with it. If you want to talk to someone else, contact Childline or Bullying UK for confidential advice and support.
On the streets
Other young people or even gangs might be bullying you when you leave your house. Maybe they’re pressuring you to do things you don’t want to, or you’re afraid they could be violent towards you or your family/friends. Speak to your parents or a trusted adult about what’s going on. You don’t have to go through this alone. If you’d rather talk to someone anonymously, contact Childline.
If you’re in a gang and are worried about violence from others in your own gang or a rival gang it can be an incredibly scary situation. Carrying a weapon is never a good idea as it will probably make you more vulnerable and it could to be used against you (see video below on knife crime). Further information about the risks from knifes and other weapons can be found at No Knifes, Better Lives.
Even though you might feel trapped, there are ways to get out of gangs. Talk to a family member or another trusted adult. FearFree can provide specialist help for young people involved in gangs.