About The Wrap

The Wrap is an online platform for young people, 24 and under, brought to you by Developing Health and Independence (DHI). It enables young people to get support at an early stage before more difficult situations develop. It also sets out to empower young people to make positive choices and builds resilience to overcome life’s challenges.
DHI run innovative services designed to help people turn their lives around. Embedded throughout our services is the idea that the problems people face do not exist in a vacuum and the help we provide should be holistic.
For young people, we deliver the Wiltshire-based service Connect, and in Bath and North-East Somerset, Project 28. Both services provide advice, guidance and one-to-one sessions for young people who are having problems with drugs and/or alcohol, as well as some of the issues sometimes linked to drug and alcohol use, such as safety and mental health. The services are free and confidential and we aim to provide a flexible and non-judgemental space for young people to be open about the problems they are facing. Where we run local services, The Wrap makes it easier for young people to access those services.
DHI also do a lot of work with schools and colleges. We try to assist them with educating their pupils on important issues young people face growing up, such as drugs & alcohol and staying safe. A key part of The Wrap project is integrating its use in schools as part of their PSHE programmes. We have produced teaching resources for different year groups which link the Wrap’s content with in-class or remote teaching sessions. Videos produced by The Wrap form a key part of the teaching session plans, along with a variety of other methods including quizzes, discussions, social media integration and further independent study. In our local areas, we offer tailored and personalised support to schools - sending staff in to deliver sessions as well as remote support, online sessions and recorded videos.
The setup of The Wrap was funded by a grant from CHK Foundation.
Feel free to drop us a line with any questions you have for us!